THE NORTH AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH: The North American Lutheran Church (NALC) is the national denomination of which Peace Lutheran Church is a member. The NALC is a rather new church body having been constituted August 27, 2010 in Columbus, Ohio. There are more than 140,000 members in 400 congregations across the United States and Canda. The NALC embodies the theological center of Lutheranism in North America. This website will connect you with congregations and clergy across the country, put you in touch with missionary partners and opportunities to serve in Christ's name throughout the world, and share with you the core convictions and values of this church body.
NORTH AMERICAN LUTHERAN SEMINARY: The North American Lutheran Seminary (NALS) is the seminary of the NALC. Quoting the Rev. Dr. Amy Schifrin, president of the seminary: "As the seminary of the North American Lutheran Church, we seek to provide an education for pastors and church leaders that is evangelical, orthodox and confessional, an education in which students are formed as faithful servants for ministry in Christ’s name." The seminary center is located at the Trinity School of Ministry in Ambridge, PA.
LUTHERAN OUTDOOR MINISTRY OF INDIANA AND KENTUCKY (LOMIK): LOMIK is the umbrella agency which oversees 3 Lutheran Church camps in Indiana: Lutheran Hills in Morgan Town, IN, Lutherwald in Howe, IN, and Lake Luther in Angola, IN. Throughout their ministry they have been supported by Lutheran congregations in Indiana and Kentucky, Peace being one of those congregations. LOMIK strives to witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and provide an extraordinary Christian community where every camper learns of God’s love for them and gains new life experiences in a fun environment with caring leaders.
THE BOOK OF CONCORD: The Book of Concord or Concordia is the historic doctrinal standard of the Lutheran Church, consisting of ten confessional documents recognized as authoritative in Lutheranism since the 16th century. This website contains all ten confessional documents with footnotes. This same book can be purchased through Concordia Publishing House.
BIBLE GATEWAY: Choose from over 50 translations of the Bible including The English Standard Versions, The King James Version, and the New International Version. This website also includes a limited selection of Biblical commentaries and dictionaries. Put yourself on a daily Scripture reading plan. Engage in word searches to find a passage of Scripture for which you forgot the Scripture reference.
CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE: This is the publishing house for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Far more expansive in its publications than Sola Publishing. Like Sola, they too have a wide variety of Bible studies, Sunday school materials, confirmation materials, theological books and resources for the academic, music for vocalists, choirs, and instrumentalists. Peace purchases many of our resources from Sola and Concordia, .
COMMUNITY IN CONNERSVILLE, IN: Navigate city resources through this website.
FAYETTE COUNTY SCHOOL CORPORATION: Everything you need to know about the curriculum, test scores, calendars, and academic achievements of Connersville High School, Middle School, and the elementary schools.